Saturday, February 6, 2016

Going to blab in my blogs again

Hi there!

This is Connie, you might not know me, well you really don't. Anyway I'm just gonna put my reflections in this blog because I want to share some of my thoughts even though some of them are silly and some just pops in this head of mine out of remembering the funnest or saddest moments of my life (d r a m a- Ikr- self proclaimed drama queen here! My parents should have trained me to become an actress!) . However, I'm really shy in person because the stereotyping still affects me a lot. I know words have power and sometimes you just gotta shield your beautiful mind from the harshest mouths in the world.

Yes! I'm quite weird and quite silly. I'm really nice and sometimes people think I'm so silly (quite true) because I'm nice and then they make fun of me that's why I decided to just make a blog out of my thoughts because I can't talk to them properly because they think I'm nice and weird at the same time (get my point?). And that's the reason I'm not really that confident socially with a lot of people but I'll start by writing my thoughts here. Anyway feel free to communicate with me. All of us wants to gain friends right?

I'm just reborning my blogspot account, keep on blabbering and I'm hoping to meet friends here. :)

(Just out of context)

For years I've wondered why I'm so disorganized and I just want to have those wonderful results that keeps popping in my head and when I see people who do it so easily and so perfectly I'm like shit am such a loser? (self pity boosting up lol) Damn I'll be blogging stuffs and it's good because people don't visit other people's blogs if they don't know them right? Let's overanalyze things...... Yes! I'm safe!

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