Sunday, February 7, 2016

Puppy on a lazy Sunday

So it's Monday tomorrow good thing it's Chinese new year in the Philippines but damn I need to fix my paypal account as soon as possible. So I was photoshopping some photos damn I envy those creative people who just can experiment and make beautiful results. Been planning to practice coding but wanted to do this blog first. I really don't know what to write but I just want to add something to this blog. LOL

Mom brought a 2 months old puppy at home and I gotta play with the mut a while ago, he's a smart mut and too cute and cool. He looks like a Koala/ racoon with 1/4 bear image. I like him but hey!! he's 2 months old he needs his mom. Poor puppy. I feel sorry for the pup mom chose because people in this house don't really know how to love dogs because dogs here end up outside, tied, unable to go out and we all know dogs love to socialize! They can't play with humans all day and they need sex! -.- (You know what I mean?) I like the dog but I got tired of always being so clingy and not having power to take care of dogs the gentle way. I hate it when you argue and no one listens because they think they're always right and the blaming would just go on and on.

Poor puppy I hope you learn to love me coz I like dogs. :(

I wish this time the dog is different though because the previous dog, named "Dominic", was like so pitiful he just keeps on crying every night because he wanted to hang out with other dogs but what scares me is that what if I give him the chance would he end up being too aggressive. I don't even know what he really wants sometimes I think what if I just let him eat some chocolates or shrimps to end his misery but I don't know I wish he becomes happier this year. Can someone help me? Anyway have a great Sunday everyone!

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