Thursday, October 27, 2016

Not knowing why you're empty sucks!

Hi guys,

I hope you're all doing fine. I'm just a feeling a little bit of empty lately. I don't know. I can't even understand myself. Maybe I need sleep but I want to finish typing something here.

I don't know what to do. 5 years from now, where or what will I be?

I'm devastated and I'm lonely. I don't understand myself. When I look at the mirror I see an old, lonely girl. Is this one of the perks in a long distance relationship or maybe I'm just bored because I'm not doing anything. Yes, I do have a job but why do I feel empty? Is everything always about money and savings?

I wish I was wiser when I was younger. I wish I loved myself more. But all those things are just wishes right now that could happen if I stop pondering about it and started implementing the plans I had.

Anyway, just passing by..

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