Thursday, October 27, 2016

Not knowing why you're empty sucks!

Hi guys,

I hope you're all doing fine. I'm just a feeling a little bit of empty lately. I don't know. I can't even understand myself. Maybe I need sleep but I want to finish typing something here.

I don't know what to do. 5 years from now, where or what will I be?

I'm devastated and I'm lonely. I don't understand myself. When I look at the mirror I see an old, lonely girl. Is this one of the perks in a long distance relationship or maybe I'm just bored because I'm not doing anything. Yes, I do have a job but why do I feel empty? Is everything always about money and savings?

I wish I was wiser when I was younger. I wish I loved myself more. But all those things are just wishes right now that could happen if I stop pondering about it and started implementing the plans I had.

Anyway, just passing by..

Friday, September 2, 2016

Globe GOSURF information

Hi guys!

I hope you're having an awesome week.
My boyfriend just went back to Canada last Wednesday and during our travels here in the Philippines I had problems on how to access my wifi on my globe tatoo mobile wifi thankfully, I figured it out along the way. So I just wanted to share to you these tips.

First, you need to download Huawei HiLink

Make sure that you are connected to your globe sim wifi. Then send a message by clicking the SMS. You could register for gosurf there.

You could also view how much GB you already have used. If you already are near your limit make sure to reset it by clicking the huge circle in the center.

Anyway here are some information about the Globe go surf promos.

If you are using a laptop. You could do this to check your balance:

1. Open your browser and enter http://192.168.1 in the address box.

2. Enter the username and password. Default user name and password is admin

3. Click SMS on the web user interface

4. Click on NEW MESSAGE on the interface

5. Type 222 in the recipient field and type BAL  in the message box.

6, Click SEND. You will receive your load balance via SMS.

7. Click INBOX to view the message.

I hope this helps. :) Have a great day everybody!

Become a VA. Tips and links on landing a job as a remote employee.

BOMBINGS, WAR, and HATRED when will this end?

A bomb just exploded in Davao Roxas Night Market 7 hours ago. I can't believe this is happening again. During my elementary and HS days in Gensan I have experienced bombings and yearly red alert signals and as I'm looking at the photos from the bombings. I remember my experiences in gensan.

There were lots of threats in Davao ever since Digong decided to run for President. At first I was against it because we still needed him for our city. Now that this has happened I want him back. I don't understand why illogical, insensitive people are mocking Davao right now but it just shows how emotionally selfish and stupid they are.

Roxas night market is near Ateneo de Davao University and most people who come there are innocent college students or workers who wants to buy ukay-ukay or eat street foods. The suspect really did choose his location well to harm a lot of innocent people especially to those who just wants to have a living. That's how terrorists think they want to make an outburst, they won't care about the lost lives or the families of those innocent people.  It brings me back in my HS times when there was a bombing in the flea market in Gensan and my mom just gotten out in the hospital we saw a man crying and crawling fast because the bomb damaged one of his legs. It was tragic but those criminals don't feel anything because if you're a terrorist you only want one thing your goals or your group's goals.

I don't know what will happen to the world 10 years from now with the ISIS proclaiming war to the world and China wanting to have everything. I understand know why Trump wants to isolate America from the whole world but I still don't like him but he's way better than Clinton.

I wish I'm able to give my future kids a better world. Please pray for world peace. No, I am not planning to join a pageant. I'm saying this because we all need PEACE right now.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Learning new things and being creative...

I want to become a pianist, web developer and designer!

But I have to start from scratch like a baby wanting to crawl to the stairs.

I know I'm lazy and my migraine also attacks especially if I overwork but I want to learn and
no one can stop me but myself.

I hope I'm able to achieve my goals this year. :D

AJA! as what koreans usually say. Don't give up Connie and believe in yourself . ( me trying to talk to myself because I'm bored- bare with me) Anyway so if you think you're hopeless stop because there are new opportunities just waiting for you to step towards them.

Keep on smiling and never stop learning guys! Thanks for reading my blogs. bye! bye!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

First JOB after graduation

Hello Good day Fellow bloggers!

I could still remember the days after graduation where I was so nervous about the dark future I kept seeing in my head (LOL) and the characteristics I thought I should be possessing to pass interviews to land a job in the HR field.

This is my first blog that would be in regards with my first job way back 2012. My first job was in Sencha Milk Tea Place in Davao that positioned me to be an HR assistant.  It was a Chinese Family owned business. It started with loop holes because the owner didn't really live in Davao area they were residing in Luzon and the choice in the location of the area wasn't also that suitable for a milk tea house.

  • RM Avenue Davao City

It was a good experience for me because it helped me accept that no matter what happens COURAGE and RESOURCEFULNESS are the only virtues that could help me in the real world. I also realized that the to be able to handle stuffs it requires teamwork and friendship. I could never forget the long nights helping with the inventory, going to the city hall to get employee permits and reporting the expense and sales weekly.

During my first job Human Resource is more on the admin than on the employee relations if you're in a Family Chinese owned businesses because Chinese people are stern in its processes due to their way of rolling out their money. 

I could still remember the yummy drinks and cutie patootie chairs of Sencha Milk Tea place as if it was just yesterday I was trying its different drinks. It really captured my taste, sad to say it didn't reached it's market due to its location in Davao.

I hope the Paranaque branch is still open though I heard many rumors that it also closed. The taste of their milk tea is still the best for me. :3

Puppy on a lazy Sunday

So it's Monday tomorrow good thing it's Chinese new year in the Philippines but damn I need to fix my paypal account as soon as possible. So I was photoshopping some photos damn I envy those creative people who just can experiment and make beautiful results. Been planning to practice coding but wanted to do this blog first. I really don't know what to write but I just want to add something to this blog. LOL

Mom brought a 2 months old puppy at home and I gotta play with the mut a while ago, he's a smart mut and too cute and cool. He looks like a Koala/ racoon with 1/4 bear image. I like him but hey!! he's 2 months old he needs his mom. Poor puppy. I feel sorry for the pup mom chose because people in this house don't really know how to love dogs because dogs here end up outside, tied, unable to go out and we all know dogs love to socialize! They can't play with humans all day and they need sex! -.- (You know what I mean?) I like the dog but I got tired of always being so clingy and not having power to take care of dogs the gentle way. I hate it when you argue and no one listens because they think they're always right and the blaming would just go on and on.

Poor puppy I hope you learn to love me coz I like dogs. :(

I wish this time the dog is different though because the previous dog, named "Dominic", was like so pitiful he just keeps on crying every night because he wanted to hang out with other dogs but what scares me is that what if I give him the chance would he end up being too aggressive. I don't even know what he really wants sometimes I think what if I just let him eat some chocolates or shrimps to end his misery but I don't know I wish he becomes happier this year. Can someone help me? Anyway have a great Sunday everyone!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Going to blab in my blogs again

Hi there!

This is Connie, you might not know me, well you really don't. Anyway I'm just gonna put my reflections in this blog because I want to share some of my thoughts even though some of them are silly and some just pops in this head of mine out of remembering the funnest or saddest moments of my life (d r a m a- Ikr- self proclaimed drama queen here! My parents should have trained me to become an actress!) . However, I'm really shy in person because the stereotyping still affects me a lot. I know words have power and sometimes you just gotta shield your beautiful mind from the harshest mouths in the world.

Yes! I'm quite weird and quite silly. I'm really nice and sometimes people think I'm so silly (quite true) because I'm nice and then they make fun of me that's why I decided to just make a blog out of my thoughts because I can't talk to them properly because they think I'm nice and weird at the same time (get my point?). And that's the reason I'm not really that confident socially with a lot of people but I'll start by writing my thoughts here. Anyway feel free to communicate with me. All of us wants to gain friends right?

I'm just reborning my blogspot account, keep on blabbering and I'm hoping to meet friends here. :)

(Just out of context)

For years I've wondered why I'm so disorganized and I just want to have those wonderful results that keeps popping in my head and when I see people who do it so easily and so perfectly I'm like shit am such a loser? (self pity boosting up lol) Damn I'll be blogging stuffs and it's good because people don't visit other people's blogs if they don't know them right? Let's overanalyze things...... Yes! I'm safe!